Sunday, March 18, 2012


I finally figured out a way to design my own blog background and header, so now maybe I'll enjoy coming to the blog again!  :)

I'm going to be adding pictures and am going to add them by the date of the photo, so you might have to scroll down a bit and they might show up out of order!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Hospital Adventures

Evan's trip to the hospital was pretty much just a big adventure for him.  Since we had to check in at 6:00 am, we went to Spokane the night before and stayed in a hotel, which he always loves.  When we got to the hospital we saw all kinds of staff, doctors and nurses.  They were all very nice and made Evan really comfortable.  From check in to check out was only 3 hours.  It's amazing how efficient they were and we are really glad we chose to take him to Sacred Heart Children's Hospital  Here are some pictures.  The formatting of the photos keeps messing up, so sorry!

Cozied up with a heated blanket.

Nothing better than reading to use up some time.

Unless of course it is getting into the super cool hospital pajamas.

Or playing lego builder on the ipad.

Or talking to nurse Kim, the main OR nurse.

Panda woke up a lot faster than Evan!  It was strange seeing him soooo asleep and with so many wires attached.

He actually did a really good job waking up.  He was frustrated that he couldn't communicate very well. The funniest part of the day was trying to get him dressed.  It was like dressing a 50 lb. spaghetti noodle! 


Trying to eat goldfish.

Everyone gets a ride when they leave the hospital!

Where's Heather

When Evan was coming out of the anesthesia at the hospital, he was asking for Heather.  It's funny because Heather was the girl that gave us a tour the week before.  He just doesn't remember much at all about the day of the surgery, which I'm sure is a good thing. :)