Saturday, February 14, 2009

Evan and His Water

Evan really loves to drink water. Given the chance to have water or juice, he will usually pick water. Of course if chocolate milk is in the mix, forget about that water. :) Lately he has been carrying his straw cup around with his teeth. He holds it with his teeth on one side of his mouth and just drinks when he wants. I think it's because he wants both of his hands free. Sometimes though, he sucks the water out of the cup and then lets it dribble out of his mouth. But, we figure that it's just water and if he wants to be all wet, that is his choice! I snapped some pictures the other night of him with his water and they are in the picture section.


  1. It's uh.....pretty good that Evan likes water. It's required for the human body. :D

  2. :) It is a great thing. I mean, really, what would we be without water?
