Monday, February 9, 2009

Wal Mart, Costco and Fans

Last night after Gary got Evan all ready for bed, Evan decided he wanted to go to Walmart. :) Quite often he will say Walmart and I think that just means he wants to go somewhere. He especially likes Walmart because of the stars on the signs and shopping carts, and he knows where the fans are, so maybe Walmart is like heaven for him... This morning after I got dressed and was ready to leave he says, Costco? Who knows why!

Speaking of fans, Evan has discovered that by putting his palms together and turning his hands opposite directions he can make his own "fan". I wonder if this fan obsession will ever wear off? I can just picture him on his mission, going into someones house and just being completely mesmerized by their fan! I really need to take Evan to the Furniture Row Outlet, because they have these HUGE fans on their ceiling, probably 15 feet across. I don't know if he'd be able to contain the excitement or not!

1 comment:

  1. baha!! I used to babysit for a little boy that was also obsessed with fans! It was so funny. He would get in front of one and just take in a deep breath...and attempt to stick his fingers in :)
