Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Huckleberries are for sale all over up here. I'm not sure how the hourly rate works out once you drive to the mountains, pick the tiny berries, drive home, clean them and bag them, but I'm glad some people are willing to do this because then I can buy some! My Aunt Annette and some of her kids are picking hucks for sale this year. Yesterday I bought a gallon from her and they are just perfect!

It's hard to decide what to do with huckleberries. If you freeze them, you can put them in cobbler, pie, pancakes, smoothies, etc. Or, you can process them and make pie filling, syrup or jam. You have to use more all at once if you do it this way, but they actually probably last longer if you do. I decided to make one batch of jam this morning and am still debating what to do with the rest of the bag. There are pictures on the picture blog of my final product. It turned out VERY yummy!

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